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Current news and news archive

The Third SoLACE Stakeholder Event will take place in October in Dundee, Scotland. The event is…

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The third SolACE Newsletter, which provides an update on the most recent activities in the SolACE…

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In order to make use of existing studies, an analysis was conducted based on data on wheat yield…

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The SolACE farmer networks are one component of the multi-actor approach to innovation development…

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As part of the SolACE project, we conduct experiments in order to better monitor heterogeneous…

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A strong understanding of the root architecture and root traits of bread and durum wheat is…

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Support the TOMRES project by answering a short questionnaire (aprox. 10 minutes) that analyses…

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Most of our modern agriculture is based on simplification and considerable reduction of diversity,…

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SolACE is a multi-actor project, meaning that it includes different agricultural stakeholders as…

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In an effort to improve stress tolerance of bread wheat and potato, SolACE is combining…

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