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Stakeholder feedback

SolACE is a multi-actor project, meaning that it includes different agricultural stakeholders as partners and also seeks feedback from farmers and the wider agricultural industry to ensure our work is relevant and robust.

There are numerous ways we are undertaking this stakeholder engagement:

  • Through our Stakeholder Advisory Board, who are a small group of key experts
  • Via our Stakeholder Forum, where anyone with an interest in SolACE can sign up
  • Through our discussion forum, where stakeholder can provide feedback and ask questions about a variety of topics
  • By working with a small selection of farmer networks who are undertaking on-farm trials of the SolACE innovations
  • Via stakeholder events where we invite participants to our annual meeting to share their thoughts on our work
  • Through ad hoc engagement where SolACE partners informally meet agricultural stakeholders who offer their feedback on the project

Some key aspects of the feedback we have received include:

  • a suggestion to work more closely with industry to integrate their knowledge and experience into the project,
  • a suggestion to align the varieties used in farmer trials with what farmers can sell to market, and
  • that whilst microbial inoculants might work in field experiments, there needs to be more proof they have beneficial effects for working farms.

As part of our continued stakeholder engagement, we will be running a stakeholder event at the next annual meeting in Dundee on 9 October 2019. Anyone who has an interest in the project is welcome to attend to learn more about the project and provide us with your thoughts. More information will be available soon on the SolACE website.

We are also running a survey to understand agricultural stakeholder’s thoughts about the work we are trialling. If you would like to take part in this survey, please visit: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfK5mBSPTwS_1kADvS2IQyDxr-3MVhBzTFe1sNSeLFHv6jDWA/viewform?usp=sf_link


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