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Current news and news archive

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SolACE relies on stakeholders to gain valuable insights and feedback and ensure the work being done…

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The proceedings from the second SolACE Stakeholder Event are now available

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The second SolACE Newsletter, which provides an update on the most recent activities in the SolACE…

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The SolACE project has achieved a lot since it started, one and a half years ago. SolACE organized…

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Eighty genotypes of wheat (40 out of 250 bread wheat and 40 out of 250 durum wheat) were selected to…

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Although it is still early in the project for the SolACE farmers’ network activities, Stéphane…

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At the stakeholder event in May, in Foggia, Italy, SolACE partners presented several of the…

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The SolACE project makes use of a wide range of dissemination tools, such as videos, practice…

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How do we assess the potential impact of SolACE cropping innovations being trialled through the…

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