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Current news and news archive

The SolACE project is managing an international field trial network which aims to test various…

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The following events are related to SolACE topics, and may be of interest to you:

  • Final Whealbi…

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This questionnaire is carried out in the framework of work packages 5 and 6. The goal is to…

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SolACE partner LEAF produced a new video about the SolACE Stakeholder Event that took place on May…

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A new video about the SolACE annual meeting has been added to the SolACE Youtube channel

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Stay tuned for new videos about field experiments, farmer networks, conferences and more

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Claire Bonard from INRA Transfert has been appointed the new project manager for SolACE. She…

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SolACE Partner Solynta is a leading potato seed breeding company based in Wageningen (Netherlands)…

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On May 16, 2018, SolACE partners congregated in Foggia, southern Italy, to discuss progress to date…

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SoLACE is a co-organiser of the scientific workshop "Durum wheat quality in the 2020’s: genomics and…

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