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Current news and news archive

Have a look at the newest SolACE video, which provides an overview of whats happening in the farmer…

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The application of the hybrid breeding system for potato has resulted in hybrid varieties that were…

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In 2019, Agroscope, ÖMKi and the University of Newcastle performed successful potato field trials,…

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We recently harvested the potatoes from the small plot potato experiments in Hungary. The field…

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A semi-field platform (RadiMax) has been developed to identify possible phenotypic variation in root…

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SolACE organized its second Annual Meeting in Dundee, Scotland in early October 2019, partly…

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At our third stakeholder event, we want to show you some of the innovations we are working on to…

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We know virtually nothing about belowground traits compared to aboveground traits, as much (if not…

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Roughly, one-billon microorganisms are present in 1 gram of soil. Good ones and bad ones; fungi and…

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The Third SoLACE Stakeholder Event will take place in October in Dundee, Scotland. The event is…

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