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Farm-level enablers and barriers to the uptake of Sustainable Farming Practice

Author: Amelia Magistrali

Farmers across seven different countries who took part in on-farm participatory trials as part of the SolACE project were asked about enablers and barriers to adopting sustainable farming practices. Participants shared their views on trialled innovations to improve water and nutrient use efficiency highlighting the following:


  • Increasing profits, productivity and quality
  • Soil suitability, health and climate change resilience
  • Knowledge exchange and information availability
  • Resource and information restriction


  • Risk and cost-benefit balance
  • Biotic stressors resilience
  • Regulation and restriction

This policy brief summarises the main enablers and barriers identified by farmers participating in on-farm trials of sustainable farming practices to consider what farmers already engaging in sustainable agriculture view as key incentives and detractors.

zenodo.org: Farm-level enablers and barriers to the uptake of Sustainable Farming Practice

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