SolACE Field Experiments
One of the task in Workpackage 3 was the management of an international field trial network. The field experiments aimed to test various innovative agricultural practices for bread wheat, durum wheat and potato. Five countries were involved (Hungary, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and France). The study topics included new types of fertilizer and microbial inoculants, decision support tools, conservation tillage and rotational grain legumes. The field experiments were also strongly linked to the other Workpackages, particularly with the Workpackage 2, which provided the cultivars on which the innovative practices were tested, and with the Workpackage 5 where some innovative practices were transferred in on-farm experiments.
The SolACE field experiments
- Testing of microbial inoculants in potato, Switzerland - Agroscope
- Testing of rotational grain legumes in potato, Switzerland - Agroscope
- Testing of microbial inoculants in potato, Hungary - ÖMKI
- Testing of rotational grain legumes in potato, Hungary - ÖMKI
Bread wheat
- Testing of microbial inoculants in bread wheat, Switzerland - Agroscope
- Testing of rotational grain legumes in bread wheat, Switzerland - Agroscope
- Testing of microbial inoculants in bread wheat, France - Arvalis
- Testing of a decision support tool in bread wheat, France - Arvalis
- Testing of mineral fertilizer additives in bread wheat, France - Arvalis
- Testing of conservation/reduced tillage in bread wheat, Switzerland - FiBL
- Testing of conservation/reduced tillage in bread wheat, Spain - Technical University of Madrid
- Testing of rotational grain legumes in bread wheat, Spain - Technical University of Madrid
- Testing of conservation/reduced tillage in bread wheat, Portugal - University of Évora (UE)
Durum wheat