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SolACE practice abstracts: Practical information for bringing solutions to water and nutrient stress in crop production

SolACE has produced many practice abstracts focusing on topics ranging from irrigation and tillage practices to crop variety selection and scientific sampling techniques for setting up farm trials. Practice abstracts are short, accessible factsheets that provide practical information in a common format. They have a key role in knowledge exchange and dissemination in the SolACE project and beyond, through EIP (European Innovation in Partnership) - Agri, allowing for technical guidance and results to be made more accessible to a wide range of audiences, including farmers, researchers, teachers and policy makers.

First page of a practice abstract

SolACE practice abstract ‘Conservation Agriculture for water conservation and nutrient efficiency’, Gottlieb Basch, ECAF, 2022

Practice abstracts, as initially proposed by EIP Agri, follow a common structure, splitting a technical report into the problem, proposed solution, benefits and contextual information, finishing with some relevant practical recommendations and key resources. This structure splits technical information in a manner that makes it more accessible for the wider audience of farmers, advisors, researchers, policy makers and other actors, through both the SolACE and EIP Agri websites.

The topics covered within SolACE practice abstracts range widely but fall into 6 broad categories: tillage practices and crop selection for improving soil quality and nutrition, cover crops, mycorrhizal fungi, enhancing collaboration between farmers and research practitioners, scientific methodologies and ensuring successful knowledge exchange.  

As mentioned above, practice abstracts fill a key role in knowledge exchange and dissemination both within the SolACE project and beyond. So far, there have been over 20 practice abstracts published, which are available on the SoLACE website. Most practice abstracts are in English, whilst 8 have been translated into different European languages of SolACE partner countries, including Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Further information


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