Work package 6 has been following a dissemination plan which outlines a broad spectrum of dissemination tools and resources. The project website continues to be updated with resources from videos, to news articles, press releases and publications which provides detailed information on all aspects of the project. In addition to the website, we encourage partners to share their work and tag the project in relevant posts on SolACE social media pages, as shown in picture 1 and 2.
Applicable project documents such as practice abstracts have also been made available on Zenodo, a repository for EU-funded research projects. As the project progresses into the policy recommendation stage, several policy briefs shall be completed within the coming months. Policy brief training was successfully provided in June at the SolACE annual meeting. All partners were invited to learn and revisit critical points and recommendations for writing a successful policy brief.
Key messages and important factors to consider include:
• Have three to five key messages to engage the reader
• Provide take-home messages
• Make the language clear, simple and easy-to-understand
• Stay away from academic terms or project jargon - if used, explain clearly
• Break up text with short and clear subheadings
• Provide enough evidence to back up statements
• Keep visual guides such as tables and graphs clear, easy-to-understand and linked with the text
Five videos covering topics from the projects’ stakeholder network engagement to work package 2’s work on the phenotyping platform are in production. As the farmer networks begin their second year of wheat and potatoes trials, we are looking to develop a series of videos on each farmer network across the UK covering the different innovations tested on-farm. These videos will be shared on the project YouTube page for partners to further share within their organisation’s networks.
The final aspect of dissemination which we are covered in work package 6; training materials. Each work package is developing a training materials document in the coming months which will be shared within the consortium to help provide training on various aspects of the projects work, available to all to increase their research skills. For more information on all areas of dissemination and communication, check out the project website’s communications tab or get in contact with Helga Willer or Emily Trivett.
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