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New SolACE training material: How to determine plot size in variety testing in hybrid potato?

As part of SolACE work package 4, "New Breeding Strategies and Tools," a training material was developed that includes a step-by-step plan for determining the optimal plot size and shape for a hybrid potato trial.

Least significant difference between cultivar means as a percentage of the trait mean (LSD%) as a function of plot size expressed in number of plants per plot. Traits include tuber weight, tuber count, tuber volume, SD (Standard deviation) of tuber volume, tuber shape and SD of tuber shape. The dashed line indicates the plot size corresponding to the point of maximum curvature and the dotted line the LSD% achieved at that plot size (Author: Julia Stockem and Michiel de Vries, Solynta)

Field trials are essential to evaluate the performance of new varieties. What you measure are both the various differences and environmental factors. Breeders are only interested in variety differences. The best way to deal with this is adjustments to a trial's plot size and shape.

SolACE work package 4 “Novel breeding strategies and tools” developed a training material to calculate the optimal plot size and shape when designing field trials for assessing different traits. Not only is crude yield important for potatoes, but quality traits such as tuber shape and volume are considered. The slides provide a step-by-step plan to determine the optimal plot size and shape of a hybrid potato trial.

Further information


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