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Variability of wheat responses to nitrogen and water across Europe: New SolACE policy brief

In the face of climate change, the management of wheat, Europe’s most widely grown crop, needs to adapt to changing environmental conditions. This policy brief provides an overview of wheat crop response to nitrogen fertiliser across Europe, gives insights into how this response is impacted by climate change and offers recommendations on how to address the impacts of climate change on the response to nitrogen fertiliser.

Policy brief

Key messages include:

  • Nitrogen management in wheat differs from north to south in Europe since wheat response to nitrogen is highly dependent on water availability.
  • A regionally-adapted nitrogen fertiliser strategy has the potential to increase yields and quality of wheat while minimising nitrogen pollution to air and water.
  • Seasonal weather forecasting can allow farmers to take advantage of seasons with greater rainfall.

Further information

Zenodo.org: Variability of wheat responses to nitrogen and water across Europe


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