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Register for the SolACE stakeholder event!

The SolACE stakeholder event will take place as part of the Durum Days in Foggia, Italy, on May 16, 2018. Registration is now open.

Flyer of the 2nd stakeholder event


SolACE is a multi-actor project, which engages a broad range of stakeholders, e.g. farmers, farm advisors, breeders, agribusiness actors, etc. to promote strong interactions across the whole production chain.

At the second SolACE Stakeholder event, we will show you some of the innovations that the project is working on and would like to receive your critical and valuable feedback and comments.The goal is that by doing so, we will produce solutions that are useful in practise and will make a difference at a large-scale.

For more information, see the event flyer below. 

More information


  • Dr. Philippe Hinsinger, INRA, SoLACE project coordinator
  • Dr. Nicola Pecchioni, CREA, Leader of SoLACE work package 4

Registration and more information


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