This questionnaire is carried out in the framework of work packages 5 and 6. The goal is to understand what people think about the proposed agricultural innovations in SolACE, which will be used to help inform and improve the research. All agricultural stakeholders (scientists/researchers, environmentalists, farmers, suppliers, etc.) are welcome to participate in order to find out what people’s perceptions are of these innovations, as well as what people think would encourage or discourage their uptake on farms.
The questionnaire takes no more than 15 minutes (see link below), and no information from you is collected that can be used to identify you. Anonymised information will be shared with the SolACE partners and the European Union. We have no plans to reuse the data after completion of this study. Anonymised data will be collated into documents such as reports, journal articles, book chapters and presentations.
Further information
Niki Rust, Newcastle University
Link Questionnaire about barriers and enablers to uptake of sustainable agricultural innovations
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