The AIS 2017 is a joint initiative of a Portuguese Consortium, the Portuguese Government, the EIP-AGRI* network and the European Network for Rural Development. It will gather more than 500 farmers, rural businesses, start-ups, authorities managing rural development plans, national rural networks, researchers, advisors and NGOs throughout the EU with the aim of:
- Promoting cross fertilization between multi-actor innovation initiatives, both under Rural Development Programmes and Horizon 2020
- Raising awareness about innovation and digitisation opportunities for agriculture and rural economies and how these may be supported under on-going Rural Development Programmes
- Providing input for EU innovation policies for agriculture and rural areas after 2020, following-up on Point 7 of the Cork 2.0 Declaration
*EIP-Agri is the agricultural European Innovation Partnership. For more information see
More information
- Prof. Dr. Gottlieb Basch, University of Évora
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